Alan Ford took best EN-B and Sheryl Cameron the 2nd female place on Golden2 and Aspen2 respectively. Congratulations to these winners
The racing highlights this year seem to have been a good race task from the Long-Mynd and pilots are still talking about the sublime cloud surfing which was had in Snowdonia.
Gradient pilots held 9 positions within the top 20.
2nd Tony Spirling Gradient Avax XC2
7th Dave Thomson Gradient Avax XC2
8th Tony Bradley Gradient Avax XC2
13th Raffaele Lagrutta Gradient Avax XC3
15th Gary Jackson Gradient Aspen 2
16th Mark Riches Gradient Aspen 2
17th Alan Ford Gradient Golden 2
19th Malcolm Grace Gradient Avax XC2
Sheryl Cameron was 2nd best female on her Gradient Aspen 2 in 22nd